[ Overview 2024 ]

Some of the Recitals, Workshops and Lectures in 2024 where pianist Anna-Maria Maak will be presenting her multifaceted artistic creativity.

© by M&A GbR

❖ 09 & 10/03 | Jury member at the state competition "Jugend musiziert"
❖ 22/03 | 4 p.m. | Lecture with live music «Sound as a metaphor for life – The composer Sef Albertz in Focus» | Music Café Book Fair Leipzig Hall 4
❖ 23/03 | 2 pm | Anna-Maria Maak as a guest at the panel discussion «What we talk about when we speak of rhythm» | Translation Centre Leipzig Book Fair Hall 4 Stand C403

❖ 16/04 Anna-Maria Maak's text publication in the culture magazine « the work of composer Sef Albertz»
❖ 18/04 | 7 p.m. | Lecture I «Sound as a metaphor for life – The composer Sef Albertz in Focus» | Leipzig City Library

❖ 07/05 | 7 pm | Lecture II «Sound as a metaphor for life – The composer Sef Albertz in Focus» | Leipzig City Library
❖ 30/05 | 7 p.m. | Lecture III «Sound as a metaphor for life – The composer Sef Albertz in Focus» | Leipzig City Library

❖ 14/06 Video release «Space of Dreams»

❖ 22/08 | 7 p.m. | Lecture IV «Sound as a metaphor for life – The composer Sef Albertz in Focus» | Leipzig City Library

❖ 14/09 | 7:30 p.m. | Piano recital with world premiere of Sef Albertz's piano cycle «Some Enlightened Alleys» |
art Kapella Schkeuditz
❖ 20/09 | 7 p.m. | Piano Recital «Some Enlightened Alleys» | Schwartzsche Villa, Berlin

❖ 12/10 | 7 pm | Piano recital in Hamburg | Musiksalon Thimm-Haker
❖ 18/10 | 7 pm | Piano recital "Some Enlightened Alleys" | Meiningen Conservatory [NOTE: Rescheduled to spring 2025]
❖ 19/10 | 10 a.m. | Interpretation course at the Meiningen Conservatory [NOTE: Rescheduled to spring 2025]
❖ 25/10 | 9:30 a.m. | Lecture with piano music «Sound as a metaphor for life – The composer Sef Albertz in Focus» as part of the Regional Piano Conference | Robert Schumann Conservatory Zwickau

❖ 01/11 | 7 pm | Piano recital «Some Enlightened Alleys» | Stadtbibliothek Leipzig
❖ 13/11 | 7:30 pm | Piano recital «Some Enlightened Alleys» | gausz Ottensen - Hamburg
❖ 22/11 | 7 pm | Piano recital | Bösendorfer Salon at the Vienna Musikverein

More events are to come!

❖ 09. & 10.03. | Jurymitglied beim Landeswettbewerb “Jugend musiziert“
❖ 22.03. | 16 Uhr | Vortrag mit Live-Musik «Klang als Metapher des Leben - Der Komponist Sef Albertz im Fokus» | Musik-Café Buchmesse Leipzig Halle 4
❖ 23.03. | 14 Uhr | Anna-Maria Maak als Gast beim Podiumsgespräch «Wovon wir reden, wenn wir von Rhythmus reden» | Übersetzungszentrum Buchmesse Leipzig Halle 4 Stand C403

❖ 16.04. Anna-Maria Maaks Textveröffentlichung im Kulturmagazin « Werk des Komponisten Sef Albertz»
❖ 18.04. | 19 Uhr | Vortrag I «Klang als Metapher des Leben - Der Komponist Sef Albertz im Fokus» | Stadtbibliothek Leipzig

❖ 07.05. | 19 Uhr | Vortrag II «Klang als Metapher des Leben - Der Komponist Sef Albertz im Fokus» | Stadtbibliothek Leipzig
❖ 30.05. | 19 Uhr | Vortrag III «Klang als Metapher des Leben - Der Komponist Sef Albertz im Fokus» | Stadtbibliothek Leipzig

❖ 14.06. Video-Veröffentlichung «Space of Dreams»

❖ 22.08. | 19 Uhr | Vortrag IV «Klang als Metapher des Leben - Der Komponist Sef Albertz im Fokus» | Stadtbibliothek Leipzig

❖ 14.09. | 19:30 Uhr | Klavierabend mit Uraufführung von Sef Albertz' Klavierzyklus «Some Enlightened Alleys» |
art Kapella Schkeuditz
❖ 20/09 | 19 Uhr | Klavierabend «Some Enlightened Alleys» | Schwartzsche Villa, Berlin

❖ 12.10. | 19 Uhr | Klavierabend in Hamburg | Musiksalon Thimm-Haker
❖ 18.10. | 19 Uhr | Klavierabend «Some Enlightened Alleys» | Konservatorium Meiningen [HINWEIS: Verschoben auf Frühjahr 2025]
❖ 19.10. | 10 Uhr | Interpretationskurs | Konservatorium Meiningen [HINWEIS: Verschoben auf Frühjahr 2025]
❖ 25.10. | 9:30 Uhr | Vortrag mit Klaviermusik «Klang als Metapher des Leben - Sef Albertz‘ Klavierwerke im Fokus» im Rahmen der Regionalkonferenz Klavier | Robert Schumann Konservatorium Zwickau

❖ 04.11. | 19 Uhr | Klavierabend «Some Enlightened Alleys» | Stadtbibliothek Leipzig
❖ 13/11 | 19:30 Uhr | Klavierabend «Some Enlightened Alleys» | gausz Ottensen - Hamburg
❖ 22.11. | 19 Uhr | Klavierabend | Bösendorfer Salon im Wiener Musikverein
Weitere Termine folgen!

De una “impresionante soberanía, [...] hábil virtuosismo e íntima empatía” (PIANONews junio, 2019) es como la prensa especializada avala el pianismo de Anna-Maria Maak. Su inherente inquietud artística, su curiosidad y su enérgica versatilidad permiten a la artista pensar de forma multidimensional. Su constante búsqueda de nuevos retos en el repertorio le permite descubrir elementos cada vez más fascinantes de interpretación musical e interacción con el público.

A finales de marzo del 2019, Anna-Maria marcó un hito en su carrera artística con el estreno mundial de la primera obra para piano solo del aclamado compositor Krzysztof Penderecki. En su próximo álbum In the Secret of the World (17/09/2021), ella interpreta un programa de exclusivamente grabaciones en primicia mundial que incluye tanto la obra del creador polaco, así como la música de influencia intercultural del compositor germano-venezolano Sef Albertz.
Ya en 2016 Maak, junto a Albertz, concibió un concepto artístico mayor, el cual se inició con la producción del 2018 Resplendences around Bach (“...una grabación que ofreces interesantes además de innovadoras ideas” - PIANONews, Junio, 2019). El álbum alcanzó el número 1 en las listas de iTunes y Soundcloud (Classic in Germany).

La actividad concertística de Maak la ha llevado a diferentes ciudades de Europa, a grandes eventos como el Festival de Piano de Rhein-Ruhr, y a colaboraciones artísticas como la de la Orquesta Sinfónica de la MDR y el director Kristjan Järvi.

A través de producciones multimedia como Piano of Light o Infancia, en los que la música entra en constante conexión con instalaciones de luz, sonido y vídeo, Anna-Maria Maak crea “con una hábil dramaturgia [...] un concepto maduro [...] un nuevo tipo de recital de piano” (Leipziger Volkszeitung).

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(with music)

As part of the further education programme of the German Music School Association, pianist Anna-Maria Maak presents the multifaceted piano works of the Venezuelan-German composer Sef Albertz in a lecture with live music under the title «Sound as a metaphor for life», intended for piano educators and learners.

Current projects, new publications of the composer's scores, as well as the integration of this new repertoire into strategies with innovative approaches that encourage the active participation of teachers, pupils and students in educational projects and artistic activities will also be topics of the seminar, which will take place in the Clara Wieck Auditorium of the Robert Schumann Conservatory in Zwickau on October 25th 2024.

The event includes the performance of Albertz's work «...was man mir einst erzählte!», recently premiered by Maak in Hamburg.

Watch the video where the artist herself invites to this event:



Pianist Anna-Maria Maak continues touring Sef Albertz's music. This time including the premiere of «...was man mir einst erzählte!» (…what once was told to me!), in its piano version.
The audience celebrated the achievements of Maak & Albertz, leaving enthusiastic evidence in the visitors' book, with statements such as:

"Thank you very much
for this wonderful and inspiring evening"

"Thank you for the opportunity to be present when music history was written..."

The recital took place in Musiksalon Thimm-Haker (Hamburg) on October 12th, 2024.

Albertz's music score is available through Universal Edition. Check out here:


The radio station MDR Kultur reports on the new transcultural project «Some Enlightened Alleys» that pianist Anna-Maria Maak and composer Sef Albertz
have created together and are currently touring through several cities.
Here is an excerpt from the coverage:

"[...] Turning serious music into something enjoyable is the speciality of Anna-Maria Maak and Sef Albertz [...] and together they want to make sure once again that the new sounds [...] find the best place in our ears.
[...] They are always coming up with new creative ideas on how to inspire the audience with sounds that, however, do not fit into any stereotypes.
[...] the music is everything at once:
philosophical and poetic, sophisticated and simple, thoughtful and passionate.
It draws from the full source".
(MDR Kultur)

Listen to the full radio feature (in German) here:


In the context of her tour through several cities (Schkeuditz, Hamburg, Leipzig, Vienna, etc), pianist Anna-Maria Maak was once again performing Sef Albertz's new evening-length cycle «Some Enlightened Alleys», this time in Berlin at Kulturhaus Schwartzsche Villa on 20 September.

"wonderful [...] the concert and the gathering afterwards",
according to a special guest - Prof. Wolfgang Welsch, who since the 90's has been a pioneer in researching and further developing the concept of transculturality in the German-speaking area.

Albertz's music score of the transcultural piano cycle will be available this autumn 2024 through Universal Edition. Check out here:


As part of her multi-city tour (Hamburg, Leipzig, Vienna, etc) presenting Sef Albertz's new evening-length cycle «Some Enlightened Alleys», pianist Anna-Maria Maak will be giving a recital at the Kulturhaus Schwartzsche Villa Berlin (Grunewaldstraße 55) on Friday 20 September at 7 p.m., following the successful premiere of Albertz's transcultural work in Schkeuditz, just a week before!

Watch the video where the artist herself invites to the Berlin event:


In a full house concert at the art Kapella Schkeuditz on 14 September, pianist Anna-Maria Maak played the world premiere of Sef Albertz's new evening-length cycle «Some Enlightened Alleys» to an enthusiastic audience, which celebrated with fervent applause the interdisciplinary recital that included alongside music also paintings, theatrical actions, texts and electronic sounds.

"They are always coming up with new creative ideas on how to inspire the audience with sounds that, however, do not fit into any stereotypes.
[...] Turning serious music into something enjoyable is the speciality of Anna-Maria Maak and Sef Albertz [...] and together they want to make sure once again that the new sounds [...] find the best place in our ears.
[...] the music is everything at once: philosophical and poetic, sophisticated and simple, thoughtful and passionate. It draws from the full source"
(MDR Kultur)

After the world premiere in Schkeuditz, Anna-Maria Maak goes on tour through several cities, including Berlin, Hamburg, Leipzig and Vienna, presenting Sef Albertz's transcultural work.


Pianist Anna-Maria Maak is going on tour through various cities in Germany and Austria.

After a successful series of lectures (between March and August 2024) presenting the essential aspects of the works that make up her new recital project, created in collaboration with the Venezuelan-German composer Sef Albertz, Maak will be presenting the world premiere of the full evening cycle «Some Enlightened Alleys», where in addition to her musical talent, she presents her histrionic skills in an interdisciplinary and transcultural performance.

The tour starts in Schkeuditz on 14 September.


Feuilletöne (the German Podcast for music, culture and life) conducted a substantial interview with Anna-Maria Maak, where the pianist talked about her beginnings in music, her affinity with languages and different cultures, her artistic thoughts and on her creative relationship with composer Sef Albertz  as well as upcoming projects.

The interview (only in German) can be listened to


Pianist Anna-Maria Maak presented the last session of her successful lecture series with live music under the title «Sound as a Metaphor for Life - The composer Sef Albertz in focus», introducing the multifaceted work of the Venezuelan-German composer to a wide and interested audience:

Each of the encounters has been a fantastic discovery and a journey full of exciting moments.
How exuberant is Sef Albertz's artistic world and what a captivating way of communicating Anna-Maria Maak demonstrated!
One can only fall in love with such proposals!

(M. Voigt),

according to one of the regular attendees of these events, hosted by the Leipzig City Library, between April and August 2024, in cooperation with Florentyn Music and Universal Edition.


Now released as an audiovisual production, Pianist Anna-Maria Maak presents Sef Albertz's «Space of Dreams», a composition recorded on their highly acclaimed 2021 Album «In the Secret of the World» ("Such a super exciting recording [...] A beautiful mixture of different influences [...] full of musical discoveries" - Feuilletöne).

The piece, though imbued with the vitality of musical pop culture, begins with a fleeting allusion to a Beethovenian gesture, symbolic of the value of "giving space to desires". The musical discourse then expands to the limits of improvisation, giving the work a natural equanimity.

The music score, available from Universal Edition and including Maak's detailed fingering, can be purchased HERE.


Pianist Anna-Maria Maak has continued to present Sef Albertz's multifaceted work in the third of a successful series of lectures with live music under the title «Sound as a Metaphor for Life - The composer Sef Albertz in focus» at the Leipzig City Library.

The fourth and final lecture will be on 22 August, before Maak embarks on a concert series starting in September, in which she will be premiering and successively performing an extensive piano cycle by Albertz, on stages from Leipzig, Berlin, Zwickau, Meiningen, Hamburg, Vienna and other cities.

Find out more in the article Sef Albertz in Focus, available from the Vienna-based publishing house Universal edition:


Pianist Anna-Maria Maak is the first female & soloist Universal Edition Ambassador.

"I‘m delighted to promote some of the fascinating
piano compositions from the renowned
Vienna-based publisher's exclusive catalogue...!"

declared Maak after signing the agreement in early May 2024.


In the second installment of the lecture series under the title «Sound as a Metaphor for Life - The composer Sef Albertz in focus», pianist Anna-Maria Maak has continued her fascinating exploration of the creative world of the Venezuelan-German composer.
One attendee commented on the event as follows:

"...insightful explanations [...] imaginative ideas that create such stimulating musical experiences. It makes me curious about the upcoming events. In factual words, what a captivating, moving, thought-provoking music [...] thank you so much for everything!" (G. Christoph)

The next conference is on 30 May at the Leipziger Stadtbibliothek (Leipzig City Library).

Find out more in the article Sef Albertz in Focus, available from the Vienna-based publishing house Universal edition:


Composer Sef Albertz's work was beautifully presented by pianist Anna-Maria Maak, in the first of a series of lectures with live music under the title «Sound as a Metaphor for Life - The composer Sef Albertz in focus» at the Leipzig City Library.

After the successful opening event at the Leipzig Book Fair late March, Maak will keep introducing Albertz's music in lectures, workshops and concerts during 2024 in Leipzig, Berlin, Zwickau, Meiningen, Hamburg, Vienna and other cities.

Find out more in the article Sef Albertz in Focus, available from the Vienna-based publishing house Universal edition:


«Sound as a Metaphor for Life» is a comprehensive article by pianist Anna-Maria Maak that has just been published on the Hamburg-based online portal '': In the text she thematises the transcultural aspect and other connotations in the musical work of Sef Albertz. A wonderful introduction to the world of the Venezuelan-German composer, with whom Maak has created a new programme under the title «Some Enlightened Alleys», which she will premiere in September to continue touring for the rest of 2024.

Read the full article (only in German)


Pianist Anna-Maria Maak and composer Sef Albertz made a great appearance during the Leipzig Book Fair (March 2024) at two events, which the large audience of this renowned German cultural highlight fully attended and received enthusiastically:
Lecture with live music (Friday 22) - «Sound as a metaphor for life - The Composer Sef Albertz in focus», organised by the renowned Viennese publishing house Universal Edition.
Panel discussion (Saturday 23), «What we talk about when we speak of rhythm», organised by the Translation Centre of the Leipzig Book Fair.



Also in 2024 Anna-Maria Maak has been a member of the jury in the piano category of the renowned German music competition «Jugend musiziert», which has taken place from March 9th to 10th in Dresden, Saxony's state capital.


In December 2019, pianist Anna-Maria Maak premiered «Ludovicus and the Allegories of the Sea», a work commissioned to Venezuelan-German composer Sef Albertz, in the context for her programme «Beethovens Geist», which she toured as part of the Germany-wide initiative of the «Beethoven Jubiläums Gesellschaft» to start the commemoration of The Bonn genius' 250th anniversary.

In the newest episode (N° 12) of Maak's successful Podcast Series, she provides details about the transcultural reflection implicit in Albertz's music and her programme, inspired by Beethoven.

Sef Albertz's Piano Concerto | Edited, fingered and with foreword by Anna-Maria Maak


Dedicated to Anna-Maria Maak and premiered by her in 2016 at the MDR «Festival of Lights» accompanied by the MDR Leipzig Radio Symphony Orchestra, Sef Albertz's Piano Concerto is now available through the publishing house Universal Edition.
The score, including detailed fingering and a foreword by the pianist, can be purchased HERE.

Discover also Anna-Maria Maak's work insight of this concertante composition by Sef Albertz,

Anna-Maria Maak plays the world premiere of Sef Albertz's Piano Concerto



In 2014 German-Venezuelan composer Sef Albertz reimagined Bach's monumental Ciaccona. Pianist Anna-Maria Maak, who premiered and later recorded this work, has now also been responsible for the careful editing of the scores and meticulous fingering of the piano part, which can be purchased through the renowned publisher Universal Edition in three versions:

1. For Solo Piano
2. For Piano & String Quartet
3. For Piano & String Orchestra



In her most recent recital, besides playing Mozart, Scriabin, Szymanowski and Silvestrov, pianist Anna-Maria Maak performed the music of Sef Albertz, including a world premiere by the Venezuelan-German composer as a highlight, to create a trans-cultural concept based on Slavic, Latin-American, Central European and contemporary elements.

The event took place on September 3, 2023
in the Art Kapella Schkeuditz.



For the second time this year, Anna-Maria Maak is a member of the jury, now at the national level, in the piano category of the renowned German music competition «Jugend musiziert», which celebrates its 60th anniversary in 2023.
The event takes place between May 25th and June 2nd  in the historic city of Zwickau, where some of Germany's most talented young musicians are participating.


Presented by the prestigious publishing house Universal Edition, Maak & Albertz CDs are now also at the Vienna Musikverein. Conductors, musicians, promoters and all visitors to the renowned concert hall can already discover - on the way to the events taking place there - the "fruitful collaboration" between pianist Anna-Maria Maak and composer Sef Albertz for creating music "with impressive sovereignty [...] entirely committed to modernity, [...] which comes up with interesting as well as innovative ideas" (PIANONews, 2019).


During the annual Leipzig Book Fair (Leipziger Buchmesse) 2023 pianist Anna-Maria Maak visited Sef Albertz's publisher, Universal Edition, at their exhibition stand to talk about new plans with his music.

Meanwhile, take a look at Albertz's Composer Brochure, recently featured by the prestigious Vienna-based publishing house HIER.



Also in 2023 Anna-Maria Maak has been a member of the jury in the piano category of the renowned German music competition «Jugend musiziert», which has taken place from March 17th to 19th in the historic city of Zwickau, where some of Saxony's best musical talents performed in the state edition of the event.


Fables and Solitudes is the new video production, in which Maak & Albertz have created an artistic polyphony of light and colour, visual, sound and choreographic elements.

In Episode 7 of her successful podcast series, pianist Anna-Maria Maak reveals interesting details about Sef Albertz's music used in the video, which is also included in the acclaimed album In the Secret of the World by the artistic couple.


Sponsored by the German Music Council and the City of Leipzig Cultural Office, pianist Anna-Maria Maak has created a successful podcast series in which she builds musical bridges: It is about the cultural connections between the music of Europe and Latin America, both past and present. And not least about the essence of Maak's long-standing artistic collaboration with composer Sef Albertz, which in their own way evokes the relationship between Clara and Robert Schumann (" appropriate comparison to the Leipzig artist couple Anna-Maria Maak & Sef Albertz" - LVZ, 18.05.2018).

The podcast episodes can be streamed for free on several digital platforms such as:



The commemorative 25th Anniversary Edition of PIANONews magazine features an exclusive article/interview that Anna-Maria Maak, accompanied by German-Venezuelan composer Sef Albertz, conducted with the Ukrainian music creator Valentin Silvestrov.

«There was an invisible bond between the two composers from the very beginning, even before the words or the music itself appeared: "Quite wonderful! Many influences can be felt in this music, which harmonise well with each other, a very modern, an absolutely contemporary musical language! One can feel that it is a natural consequence of avant-gardism", commented the Ukrainian about his Leipzig-based colleague».

The magazine's new issue with Maak's text can be purchased HERE


In full house concert, Anna-Maria Maak presented an extended version of her celebrated programme In the Secret of the World.

In addition to intercultural music by the Venezuelan-German composer Sef Albertz, which included a world premiere, Maak interpreted works she herself has recently premiered by Ukrainian Valentin Silvestrov and Polish Krzysztof Penderecki; all dramaturgically accompanied by theatrical performances and narrated texts.

The innovative recital was warmly embraced by standing ovations from the audience.

Supported by the German Federal Government, the event took place on 2 June 2022 at the Leipzig Public Library (Oberlichtsaal) in the context of the project "Kunst im Exil - Geschichten der Migration".



The music of Sef Albertz will be touring through various German cities as part of the dance project »Frauen - Frieden - Flügel« with Anca Huma & Liliana Osorio, who present dance performances based on choreographies of works from the album In the Secret of the World, in which pianist Anna-Maria Maak plays exclusively world premiere recordings by the German-Venezuelan composer.


"[...] Albertz's music is modern, distinctive, finely structured in terms of sound and pianistically tailored to the instrument. And some time or other one can always hear the musical references without them being quotations.

[...] Anna-Maria Maak shows herself as an interpreter who is always stylistically confident, is perfectly up to all demands and presents an exciting album that should be heard!"

This is how the magazine PIANONews (March-April 2022 issue) has praised the album In the Secret of the World, in which pianist Anna-Maria Maak plays exclusively world premiere recordings of works by Sef Albertz & Krzysztof Penderecki.


Sef Albertz's music is now published and distributed exclusively by Universal Edition (UE).

In a new partnership with the leading publishing house will be available Sef Albertz's scores of orchestral and chamber music as well as works for solo instruments, such as some of those included on the highly praised new album In the Secret of the World, in which pianist Anna-Maria Maak plays exclusively world premiere recordings of works by him & Krzysztof Penderecki.

Check out Albertz's profile on the prestigious publisher's website:


...and the wonderful feedback continues! This time the German Klassikblog Ouverture reports about Maak & Albertz's new album In the Secret of the World, in which Anna-Maria Maak plays exclusively world premiere recordings of piano works by Sef Albertz & Krzysztof Penderecki:

"[...] in Sef Albertz's music, compositional ideas, atmospheric images, continents and centuries flow into one another [...] and contemplation meets passion. Anna-Maria Maak proves to be a brilliant interpreter of his complex works.

[...] the multi-faceted album reaches beyond the medium of music; it is also worth reading the titles of the pieces attentively and taking a look at the booklet. Here it becomes evident that the creative concept of Maak and Albertz, in good Leipzig tradition, is not least a deeply romantic one. In 1835, Joseph Freiherr von Eichendorff wrote: "Sleeps a song in all things / Which dream on and on, / And the world begins to sing, / If only you find the magic word".



Der Sächsische Musikrat (SMR) hat Maak & Albertz einen hervorragenden Yamaha Konzertflügel als Dauerleihgabe zur Verfügung gestellt.
"Wir sind dankbar und fühlen uns sehr geehrt. Der Erhalt dieser überraschenden Nachricht war ein Highlight. Nun sind wir besonders inspiriert und motiviert. In unseren vielfältigen Tätigkeitsbereichen als musikalische Vermittler wird sich dies sicherlich auf facettenreiche Art und Weise widerspiegeln!", so Maak & Albertz.

Der Erwerb des Instruments wurde ermöglicht durch Steuermittel auf der Grundlage des vom Sächsischen Landtag beschlossenen Haushaltes.

The Saxon Music Council (SMR, in German) has provided Maak & Albertz with an outstanding Yamaha Concert Grand Piano on permanent loan.
"We are grateful and very honoured. Receiving this surprising news was a highlight. At this point we are especially inspired and motivated. And this will certainly be reflected in our many areas of activity as musical mediators in a multi-faceted way!" said Maak & Albertz. 

The purchase of the instrument was made possible by tax funds based on the budget passed by the Saxon state parliament.

El Consejo de Música de Sajonia (SMR, en alemán) ha puesto a permanente disposición de Maak & Albertz un extraordinario piano de concierto Yamaha.
"Estamos agradecidos y nos sentimos muy honrados. Recibir esta sorprendente noticia fue todo un acontecimiento. En este punto, estamos especialmente inspirados y motivados. Y ello, ciertamente, se verá reflejado de forma polifacética en nuestros amplio ámbito de actividad como mediadores musicales", han comentado Maak & Albertz.

La compra del instrumento fue posible gracias a los fondos fiscales basados en el presupuesto aprobado por el parlamento del estado de Sajonia.

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The German online Magazine KulturAspekte reports about Maak & Albertz's new album In the Secret of the World, in which Anna-Maria Maak plays exclusively world premiere recordings of piano works by Sef Albertz & Krzysztof Penderecki:

"...a listening experience with musical demands but light-footed character. Peace and relaxation [...] but also joy and pleasure through the exciting arc of the music. For a longer musical enjoyment there is also a piece of almost fifteen minutes, 'Like Flames In A Shadow Riddle', which is both the opening and the highlight of the album.

Another recommended track is 'Ludovicus and the Allegories of the Sea - Part III', which experiments with dissonances and alternates them with harmonies in just under two minutes to make the rough, surging sea sonically perceptible. Anna-Maria Maak demonstrates her abilities with the demanding composition by Albertz, which challenges the pianist with a wide variety of playing techniques and tempi".


Extract from a great review of Maak & Albertz's newest album In the Secret of the World on German Podcast Feuilletöne.

Some extracts in English:

"Such a super exciting recording. So much sounded so familiar. A beautiful mixture of different influences. In a way, a very modern but still very familiar sounding album full of musical discoveries, one must say.

And the music of Sef Albertz, it has something light, lively, so I liked it very much. And if rhythmic, then Sef Albertz is always very light and never heavy. Always swinging. This is your album, listen to it! It's really embracing, it's good to you.

Let yourself be impressed by Anna-Maria Maak, let yourself be impressed by a pianist who doesn't play herself into the centre, but who puts the music into the centre. That's already a lot of fun. She does that in a really great way. She is a fantastic pianist, a pianist who puts her playing at the service of the compositions.
That's just fantastic, that's really great".

Full Audio HERE
(only German)


Sonorous inauguration of the concert hall

MaakAlbertz full house release concert in Meiningen (Oct. 15) presenting their brand new album In the Secret of the World.

"The piano recital inaugurated the recently finished venue [...] With her fascinating programme, Anna-Maria Maak ensured that it would also be a very special musical experience".

"The concert hall stopped breathing [...] The audience was very touched and enthusiastic".

"A wide range of playful skills and compositional diversity [...] A first-class artist and a moving programme".

Full text HERE (only for newspaper subscribers)


"What the artist lets us hear is overwhelming [...] A moving concert, [...] and special because, thanks to Anna-Maria Maak's brilliant interpretation and Sef Albertz's creative compositions, it stimulates and transports feelings. And because it rightly provokes abundant applause".

An extract from another great review (Südthüringer Zeitung) on Maak & Albertz's release concert in Thuringia (Suhl, Oct. 1st) presenting their new album In the Secret of the World, in which Anna-Maria Maak plays exclusively world premiere recordings of piano works by Sef Albertz & Krzysztof Penderecki.



on 'Meet the Artist' series

"Live in the beauty of the incredible reality that music represents"

Anna-Maria Maak talks about repertoire choices, challenges, successes and influences in her career. Also on her unique artistic collaboration with composer Sef Albertz and their brand new album In the Secret of the World.

The text is accompanied by extensive audio-visual material. Read the full interview HERE.


The newspaper Südthüringer Zeitung reports about Maak & Albertz's upcoming release concerts in Thuringia and the new album In the Secret of the World, in which Anna-Maria Maak plays exclusively world premiere recordings of piano works by Sef Albertz & Krzysztof Penderecki.


of sold out concert in Leipzig

"Anna Maria Maak won everyone over with her sovereign, friendly and natural presence even before the first note.

The music then came upon us suddenly like a natural phenomenon.
[...] many facets of feeling from stirring, gentle, melancholic, dance-like to powerful. A reverent silence reigned in the hall; It gave the impression as if each one was absorbing the tones like long-desired water".


The premiere concert on September 17 in Leipzig is SOLD OUT...!

This first event coincides exactly with the worldwide release (digital and physical) of the album In the Secret of the World, which includes all world premiere recordings of piano works by Sef Albertz and Krzysztof Penderecki. This production is now completing a large artistic concept started by Maak & Albertz with their 2018 successful first album Resplendences around Bach.

Both recordings are HERE available on label Florentyn Music


from the album 'In the Secret of the World'.
Series curated by
Anna-Maria Maak & Sef Albertz


BUY Maak & Albertz's new Album 'In the Secret of the World'


CD & Streaming | Sept. 17, 2021
Pianist Anna-Maria Maak plays an All World Premiere Recording 
with music by Sef Albertz and Krzysztof Penderecki

With In the Secret of the World the artist couple Maak & Albertz spans a dramaturgical arc and completes a large artistic concept that started with the previous 2018 production Resplendences around Bach:
...a recording that comes up with interesting as well as innovative ideas
(PIANONews, June 2019).

The concept album features exclusively world premiere recordings of the intercultural music of German-Venezuelan composer Sef Albertz and Krzysztof Penderecki's first solo piano music - the result of a collaboration between the late Polish composer and Maak & Albertz.

The whole release brings together a musical kaleidoscope of multi-faceted and moving piano works: A creative approach to the exploration of identity and the truthful perception of the artistic phenomenon.
Along with the influences of Bach, Beethoven and other music creators, Ibero-American culture, pop and electronic music also find their place in this album. Thus, the artistic-creative discourse transforms into a cosmopolitan vision.

With our music we move in the secret of the world without the urge to unveil a secret, but in the perception of these inexplicable, deep sensations that enrich the experience of life and human connections”, comment Maak & Albertz. 


On July 22, as part of the Series 'Music from Saxony', Anna-Maria Maak will be playing a live streaming concert
with music by Sef Albertz, J.S. Bach, J. Brahms, R. Schumann & K. Penderecki
at the beautiful Albrechtsberg Castle in Dresden.

The project hat been developed by the New York Streaming Platform Dreamstage
with the support of the Saxon Ministry of Culture and Moritzburg Festival.




October 16, 2021 | All day Event
Max Reger Konservatorium Meiningen

Album 'In the Secret of the World'

October 15, 2021 | 7:00 p.m.
Struppsche Villa, Max Reger Konservatorium Meiningen
Music by Albertz, Bach, Brahms,
Schumann & Penderecki.


October 2, 2021 | All day Event
Music School 'Alfred Wagner', Suhl

Album 'In the Secret of the World'

October 1, 2021 | 6:00 p.m.
Rathaus Suhl

Music by Albertz, Bach, Brahms,
Schumann & Penderecki.

Album 'In the Secret of the World'

September 21, 2021 | 7 p.m.
Schwartzsche Villa (Berlin Steglitz)

Music by Albertz, Bach, Brahms,
Schumann & Penderecki.

Album 'In the Secret of the World'

September 17, 2021 | 7 p.m.
Stadtbibliothek Leipzig (Leuschnerplatz)

Music by Albertz, Bach & Penderecki.

'In the Secret of the World'

July 22, 2021 | 7:00 p.m.
As part of the Series 'Music from Saxony'.

Music by Albertz, Bach, Brahms,
Schumann & Penderecki.

(BUY Online Ticket)


July 30, 2021 |
art Kapella Schkeuditz

The Composer’s studio
Anna-Maria Maak plays and talks about works of
and with composer Sef Albertz.


July 17, 2021 |
Schloss Albrechtsberg (Dresden)

LIVE Video Recording of the Piano Recital
'In the Secret of the World'.
With Music by Albertz, Bach, Brahms,
Schumann & Penderecki.
An initiative of the Moritzburg Festival


July 11, 2021 | 2:00 p.m.
Chapel of Parkfriedhof Plagwitz (Leipzig)

Piano Recital, Closing Event of the Art Symposium 'Gespiegelte Zeit' (Mirrored Time).
Music by Sef Albertz, Lily Boulanger, Mélanie Bonis
& Krzysztof Penderecki.


July 09, 2021 | 3:00 & 5:00 p.m.
Chapel of Parkfriedhof Plagwitz (Leipzig)

The Composer’s studio
Anna-Maria Maak plays and talks about works of
and with composer Sef Albertz.

As part of the Art Symposium 'Gespiegelte Zeit'
(Mirrored Time) organized by GEDOK Leipzig.


Juni 22, 2021 | 10:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m.

art Kapella Schkeuditz

Workshop, Lecture & Recital 'Damals und Heute - Tonschöpfer in und um Leipzig' (Then and Now - Sound Creator in and around Leipzig).

Music by Albertz, Brahms, Janacek,
Schumann & Mendelssohn.

Project supported by the Kulturstiftung des Freistaates Sachsen (Cultural Heritage Foundation of the Free State of Saxony).




Anna-Maria Maak's new album 'In the Secret of the World' brings together a musical kaleidoscope of piano works, which reflect a multifaceted and moving expression of new classical music. The album is an all world premiere recordings of compositions by Sef Albertz and Krzysztof Penderecki, which have been inspired by Bach, Beethoven, Latin American, pop and electronic music.
The recordings were completed in January 2021 and the worldwide release (digital and physical) will be on September 17th, 2021 under the label Florentyn Music.



From May 20th to 27th (2021) the renowned national competition "Jugend musiziert" will take place in Bremen and Bremerhaven.
Anna-Maria Maak is member of the jury.



The traditional Germany-wide competition takes place at regional and state level as an online competition due to the pandemic.
Anna-Maria Maak participes also as a juror here on March 20/21.


Selected by the Saxon State Chancellery

Sef's composition «In the Secret of the World», which gives the title to the new album by Maak & Albertz, was selected for a music video production, which will be presented by the Saxon State Chancellery (Sächsische Staatskanzlei) through the campaign «So geht sächsisch - Kultur digital» commissioned by the Saxon government!

The Staatskanzlei commented in this regard:

„We really like the project idea and your music [...] We are therefore happy to fully support the production of the music video «In the Secret of the World»“



New album: Leipzig duo explores the „Secret of the World“

Newspaper Leipziger Volkszeitung

„[...] sparkling piano music, which is to lead the audience to the edge of their own horizon and a little bit beyond [...]



The musician couple at MDR Klassik Radio (audio in German)


In just under 3 weeks, more than 100 supporters
made possible the new production
through a successful crowdfunding campaign:

Keep your courage - despite uncertain times!
This is the message of the new piano album
« In the Secret of the World »
by Maak & Albertz,
it's an artistic response...!


Maak & Albertz
The New Piano Album

Den Mut behalten - trotz ungewisser Zeiten!
Diese Botschaft vermitteln wir mit dem neuen Klavieralbum « In the Secret of the World »,
es ist eine künstlerische Antwort.
Nun soll es den Weg in die Welt finden - gemeinsam mit Dir können wir es schaffen!



in the artKapella Schkeuditz
10 a.m. - 1 p.m.
3 p.m. - 4:30 p.m. 
5 p.m. 

16 - 17


in the Landesmusikakademie Sachsen.
Including music by
Sef Albertz
Ludwig van Beethoven &
Robert Schumann



Dec. 14, 2020
'Beethovens Geist (Episode IV)
Nov. 18, 2020
'Beethovens Geist (Episode III)
Oct. 28, 2020
'Beethovens Geist' (Episode II)



in the artKapella Schkeuditz
(2 p.m.) 
With music by
Sef Albertz,
Claude Debussy &
Federico Mompou



Sept. 03, 2020
'Beethovens Geist' (Episode I)
Aug. 30, 2020
'Resplendences' (Episode V)
Aug. 08, 2020
'Resplendences' (Episode IV)
Aug. 08, 2020
'Resplendences' (Episode III)
Aug. 19, 2020
'Resplendences' (Episode II)

18 - 20


in the Schloss Colditz.
the participants
of the state competition
'Jugend musiziert'



'Resplendences' (Episode I)

10 - 16


in the Landesmusikakademie Sachsen.
Including Music by
Sef Albertz,
Johann Sebastian Bach,
Johannes Brahms,
Philip Glass,
Krzysztof Penderecki
Robert Schumann


Supported by the Leipzig Department of Culture (Kulturamt Leipzig) and curated by Anna-Maria Maak, the German pianist presents virtual episodes with
LIVE performances of 'Resplendences around Bach'
- her celebrated concept album
with music by J.S. Bach & Sef Albertz.



at the State Music Academy of Saxony

Originally as a member of the jury and now, due to the pandemic,
in her role as a lecturer, Anna-Maria Maak was again invited by the Saxon Music Council to offer a piano workshop from August 18 to 20 for the participants of the state competition 'Jugend musiziert', in the beautiful castle 'Schloss Colditz'.


New World Premiere

Sef Albertz has composed a new work for solo piano (ca. 15 min.),
which Anna-Maria Maak will premiere and include
in her recitals during the 2020-21 Season.
The work habe been possible by a grant from the Kulturstiftung des Freistaates Sachsen (Cultural Heritage Foundation of the Free State of Saxony).

Beethovens Geist
(Recital postponed
due to COVID-19)

Anna-Maria Maak will be presenting on April 23 (2020) at Händel-Haus in Halle (Saale) her new recital 'Beethovens Geist', which includes the exclusive performance of Krzysztof Penderecki's first solo piano music (premiered by her at the beginning of 2019) as well as 'Ludwig and the Allegories of the Sea' by Sef Albertz, a new composition to commemorate Beethoven's 250th anniversary.


Competition Jury
due to COVID-19)

From March 20 to 22, Anna-Maria Maak will be jury member of 'Jugend musiziert'. This is the most important German competition for children and adolescents, which involves some of the most talented
young musicians of Germany.
Anna-Maria: "I am really looking forward to this responsable task"

in completely sold-out concert 

Alongside a sublime performance of Mozart's Piano Concerto KV 466, Anna-Maria Maak played the solo part in the new orchestral composition by Sef Albertz 'The World through Emilia's Dreams
with the Kammerphilharmonie der Universität Stuttgart, which commisioned the work.
What an enthusiastic response from the Stuttgart audience!


"GEMEINSAM GROßES SCHAFFEN" (Creating great things together)

2020 begins with a great four-page article in the prestigious magazine PIANONews about the artistic career of Anna-Maria and
her creative collaboration with composer Sef Albertz.
In addition, Anna-Maria's upcoming projects with Sef's music and
the world premiere recording of Penderecki's first solo piano music.
The magazine is available in Germany, Austria,
Luxembourg & Switzerland.



Accompanied by the Kammerphilharmonie der Universität Stuttgart, Anna-Maria will play the solo part in Sef Albertz's most recent orchestral work, which has been inspired by nature and
also by the other works that complete the concert program
(Mozart's Piano Concerto KV 466 and Beethoven's Third Symphony).
The composition was commissioned by the Kammerphilharmonie 
and was written for Anna-Maria.


On the Road

Anna-Maria Maak continues to present the repertoire of the album Resplendences around Bach: This time, including exclusively the performance of Krzysztof Penderecki's first solo piano music,
which she premiered worldwide in early 2019.
Also, she will be presenting new compositions by Sef Albertz
in advance to 'Beethoven Year' 2020.


Feb. 15, 2020 | Vaihingen (Stuttgart)
Mozart Piano Concerto N° 20 & New Concertante Work of Sef Albertz
Kammerphilharmonie der Universität Stuttgart

Jan. 19, 2020 | 14:00 | Galerie art Kapella (Schkeuditz)

Dec. 15, 2019 | 16:00 | House Concert in Schlachtensee (Berlin)
As part of 'Beethoven bei uns'

Dec. 14, 2019 | 17:00 | Lange Klaviere (Weimar)
with World Premiere of Sef Albertz as part of 'Beethoven bei uns'

Dec. 8, 2019 | 19:00 | Salle de Pologne (Leipzig)

Nov. 13 & 14, 2019 | 20:00 | Wein Galerie (Leipzig)

Oct. 8, 2019 | 19:30 | Villa Najork (Leipzig)
with World Premiere of Sef Albertz


Anna-Maria Maak was jury member of the 12th edition of “The Young Pianist" International Competition in Pristina (Kosovo) from 21st - 25th of june 2019.

Agron Shujaku (Manager of the Competition):

"We are pleased to announce that Anna-Maria Maak will be a jury member at the 12th edition of the 'Young Pianist' competition. A pianist from the city of Bach-Leipzig with a sensational career recently recognized with the premiere of the first solo piano work by greatest living composer Krzysztof Penderecki"



Anna-Maria Maak played successfully
3 World Premieres 
of Sef Albertz
at the 'Festival of Lights' with the
MDR Sinfonieorchester under Kristjan Järvi



(Extracts from
sold-out concert)
Anna-Maria Maak
playing the music of
Sef Albertz
with the
MDR Sinfonieorchester
under Kristjan Järvi



Resplendences around Bach
(ranked No. 1 on the German CHARTS:
iTunes & Soundcloud Classical).
With original & arranged music by Sef Albertz



Anna-Maria Maak premiered with sensational success
the first solo piano
composition of
Krzysztof Penderecki
'Aria, Ciaccona & Vivace'

"What a spectacular premiere of my Piano Concerto! [...]
She's a champion of the music from the Americas & Spain"

(Marlos Nobre | Brazilian Composer)

Anna-Maria Maak

© by M&A GbR

Impressive sovereignty, [...] skilful virtuosity and intimate empathy” (PIANONews June, 2019) is how the specialist press attests to Anna-Maria Maak’s piano playing. Her inherent artistic restlessness, curiosity and energetic versatile spirit enable the artist to think in a multi-dimensional way. Her continuous search for new repertoire challenges allows her to constantly discover astonishing elements of musical interpretation and interaction with the audience.

In late March 2019, Maak set a milestone in her artistic career with the world premiere performance of the first solo piano work by acclaimed composer Krzysztof Penderecki. On her forthcoming album In the Secret of the World (Sept. 17, 2021), she performs a programme of all world premiere recordings that includes both the work of the Polish creator as well as the interculturally influenced music of the German-Venezuelan composer Sef Albertz.
Already in 2016 Maak, together with Albertz, conceived a major artistic concept, which was initiated with the 2018 production Resplendences around Bach (“...a recording that offers interesting as well as innovative ideas” - PIANONews, June, 2019).  The album reached number 1 in the iTunes and Soundcloud charts (Classical in Germany).

Maak's concert activity has taken her to different cities in Europe, to major events such as the Rhein-Ruhr Piano Festival, and to artistic collaborations such as with the MDR Symphony Orchestra and conductor Kristjan Järvi.

Through multimedia productions such as Piano of Light or Infancia (Childhood), in which music is constantly connected with light, sound and video installations, Anna-Maria Maak creates “with a skilful dramaturgy [...] a mature concept [...] a new kind of piano recital
(Leipziger Volkszeitung). 

Beeindruckende Souveränität, [...] geschickte Virtuosität und intimes Einfühlungsvermögen“ (PIANONews Juni 2019) bescheinigt die Fachpresse Anna-Maria Maaks Klavierspiel. Die ihr innewohnende künstlerische Rastlosigkeit, Neugier und ihr tatkräftiger vielseitiger Geist ermöglichen der Künstlerin eine mehrdimensionale Denkweise. Ihre fortwährende Suche nach neuen Repertoireherausforderungen lässt sie stets verblüffende Elemente musikalischer Interpretation und Interaktion mit dem Publikum entdecken.

Ende März 2019 setzte Maak einen Meilenstein in ihrer künstlerischen Karriere mit der Urauffürung des ersten Solo-Klavierwerks des gefeierten Komponisten Krzysztof Penderecki. Auf ihrem kommenden Album In the Secret of the World (17.09.2021) spielt sie ein gesamtes Programm von Weltersteinspielungen, welches sowohl das Werk des polnischen Tonschöpfers als auch die interkulturell geprägte Musik des deutsch-venezolanischen Komponisten Sef Albertz enthält.
Bereits 2016 konzipierte Maak gemeinsam mit Albertz ein großes künstlerisches Konzept, welches mit der vorangegangenen 2018er Produktion Resplendences around Bach („...eine Einspielung, die mit interessanten wie innovativen ldeen aufwartet“ - PIANONews, 06.2019) begann. Das Album erreichte Platz 1 der CHARTS von iTunes und Soundcloud (Classical in Germany).

Maaks Konzerttätigkeit führte sie in viele verschiedene Städte Europas, zu großen Veranstaltungen wie dem Klavierfestival Rhein-Ruhr und zu künstlerischen Partnerschaften wie mit dem MDR Symphonieorchester und dem Dirigenten Kristjan Järvi.

Durch multimediale Aufführungen wie Piano of Light oder Infancia (Kindheit), bei denen die Musik in eine konstante Verbindung mit Licht-, Klang- und Videoinstallationen tritt, erschafft Anna-Maria Maak „in geschickter Dramaturgie [...] mit einem ausgereiften Konzept [...] eine neue Art des Klavierabends“ (Leipziger Volkszeitung). 

De una “impresionante soberanía, [...] hábil virtuosismo e íntima empatía” (PIANONews junio, 2019) es como la prensa especializada avala el pianismo de Anna-Maria Maak. Su inherente inquietud artística, su curiosidad y su enérgica versatilidad permiten a la artista pensar de forma multidimensional. Su constante búsqueda de nuevos retos en el repertorio le permite descubrir elementos cada vez más fascinantes de interpretación musical e interacción con el público.

A finales de marzo del 2019, Anna-Maria marcó un hito en su carrera artística con el estreno mundial de la primera obra para piano solo del aclamado compositor Krzysztof Penderecki. En su próximo álbum In the Secret of the World (17/09/2021), ella interpreta un programa de exclusivamente grabaciones en primicia mundial que incluye tanto la obra del creador polaco, así como la música de influencia intercultural del compositor germano-venezolano Sef Albertz.
Ya en 2016 Maak, junto a Albertz, concibió un concepto artístico mayor, el cual se inició con la producción del 2018 Resplendences around Bach (“...una grabación que ofreces interesantes además de innovadoras ideas” - PIANONews, Junio, 2019). El álbum alcanzó el número 1 en las listas de iTunes y Soundcloud (Classic in Germany).

La actividad concertística de Maak la ha llevado a diferentes ciudades de Europa, a grandes eventos como el Festival de Piano de Rhein-Ruhr, y a colaboraciones artísticas como la de la Orquesta Sinfónica de la MDR y el director Kristjan Järvi.

A través de producciones multimedia como Piano of Light o Infancia, en los que la música entra en constante conexión con instalaciones de luz, sonido y vídeo, Anna-Maria Maak crea “con una hábil dramaturgia [...] un concepto maduro [...] un nuevo tipo de recital de piano” (Leipziger Volkszeitung).

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"...the pianistic ability of the interpreter
aroused total admiration"

(G. Frackowiak | Newspaper 'Torgauer Zeitug')

"...'brilliant' piano music ... brilliantly played..."

(Prof. Volkmar Lehmann | Dir. Em. Institute for Piano, University of Music Weimar)

BUY Maak & Albertz's new Album 'In the Secret of the World'


CD & Streaming | Sept. 17, 2021
Pianist Anna-Maria Maak plays an All World Premiere Recording 
with music by Sef Albertz and Krzysztof Penderecki

With In the Secret of the World the artist couple Maak & Albertz spans a dramaturgical arc and completes a large artistic concept that started with the previous 2018 production Resplendences around Bach:
...a recording that comes up with interesting as well as innovative ideas
(PIANONews, June 2019).

The concept album features exclusively world premiere recordings of the intercultural music of German-Venezuelan composer Sef Albertz and Krzysztof Penderecki's first solo piano music - the result of a collaboration between the late Polish composer and Maak & Albertz.

The whole release brings together a musical kaleidoscope of multi-faceted and moving piano works: A creative approach to the exploration of identity and the truthful perception of the artistic phenomenon.
Along with the influences of Bach, Beethoven and other music creators, Ibero-American culture, pop and electronic music also find their place in this album. Thus, the artistic-creative discourse transforms into a cosmopolitan vision.

With our music we move in the secret of the world without the urge to unveil a secret, but in the perception of these inexplicable, deep sensations that enrich the experience of life and human connections”, comment Maak & Albertz. 



CD, LP & Streaming | 2018 
Pianist Anna-Maria Maak plays world premiere recordings
of original & arranged music by Sef Albertz. 

"...a fruitful collaboration between
pianist Anna-Maria Maak and composer Sef Albertz
...entirely committed to modernity...
with impressive sovereignty...masterly virtuosity
and intimate well as innovative ideas"

(Magazine PIANONews 3-2019)

" enrichment of contemporary piano music"
Prof. Volkmar Lehmann
(Dir. Em. Institute for Piano, University of Music Weimar)

„A great composer...a fantastic performer...a powerful work!”
(Kristjan Järvi, conductor)

„A dramaturgical [and] skillful connection to a fascinating musical world, an exquisite combination of progressive and traditional, jazz and funk, Mediterranean temperament and profundity“
(MDR Press)



'An Andalusian Elegie'

Anna-Maria Maak (Narration & Piano)
Sef Albertz (Guitar)
Texts: Juan Ramón Jiménez
Music: M. Castelnuovo-Tedesco


HOMMAGE (2013)

Double Album including
world premiere recordings.
Music by J. S. Bach, Schumann, Mendelssohn & Sef Albertz

Anna-Maria Maak (Piano), Sef Albertz (Guitar) & Strings from
MDR Sinfonieorchester



A Double Album with
world premiere recordings of
Piano works by Sef Albertz.
Also including Ibero-American Piano Music by H. Villa-Lobos,
A. Estévez, F. Mompou, M. Moleiro,
X. Montsalvatge, F. Ruíz,
A. Roldán & Astor Piazzolla

"Music...her mother tongue"

(Prof. Gregor Weichert | University of Music Münster)


Anna-Maria Maak
c/o Florentyn Music
Littstr. 9 HH, 04103 Leipzig


José Hernández
Phone: +49 (0) 341 9 27 78 00

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